
Find your ideal candidate effortlessly.

Sort your cvs and résumés. Automatically.

Book your demo here!
talent recruitment

Load your cvs automatically

Load your files without bothering to classify them, the automatic talent archiving engine does the job for you.

Ricerca e selezione personale

Semantic search of professional profiles

Search your cvs by professional profiles, locate cvs addresses and filter by study titles, known languages and skills.

collaborative recruiting process

Follow your recruitment process with a simple drag and drop

Share the recruitment process with your team. Following the candidates screening has never been so easy!


Map your candidates and filter them by geographic area.

Semantic recruitment

Search by open position

Opus find all the cvs matching the open position.

No boring form for the candidate

Asking for the candidate cv is enough for Opus!

Look them in the face!

Opus recognizes and shows the candidate picture in the cv.

Which language?

Opus recognizes the cv language so you can retrieve it easyly.

We manage more the 20 open selections at the same time and with Opus we save over 60% of the screening time…

Piero Dalla Venezia

HR Manager, Mechinno

Solutionssoluzioni per risorse umane

Opus can be deployed on your intranet or we can offer it as SAAS. Contact us to evaluate the best solution for your business!

software free risorse umaneCosts/advantages

The cost? It depends on your needs and on your company recruitment demand. But think that you will save 10 times in resources. We bet that our quote will be really interesting.

software personalizzato per la selezione del personaleA tailored software 

Semantic search need a context. If your company open positions are very specific we can customize our dictionaries to meet your needs. We already are very specific for technical talents but we are glad to grow Opus knowledge with your help.

We are developing Opus new version

Faster, simpler, smarter.

We are searching candidates for the private Beta!